biltong, chillisauce, droewors, hotsauce, leamingtonspa -

My new shop, Ben's Meat & Heat Emporium, opens this weekend!

I have some super exciting news! I am finally opening a shop selling my South African snacks as well as a range of other delicious artisan snacks and drinks. 

I've been talking about opening a shop for awhile, but finding a location, the time to set up and more recently the coronavirus, have caused some delays. I'm now pleased to say it's finally happening! Ben's Meat & Heat Emporium opens this Saturday, the 20th of June in the basement of 29 Portland street in Leamington Spa, CV32 5EZ.

My new store in Leamington will of course be stocking my range of biltong and droewors as well as boerewors. In addition, there will be a range of other moreish snacks including South African crisps, beef jerky and pork scratchings.

Given I love all things hot, I will also be stocking a wide range of fiery sauces, rubs, spicy pickles and relishes and a few more unusual offerings including chilli fudge and chocolate.

To celebrate the launch of Ben's Meat & Heat Emporium, I'm offering 10% off any purchases in store this weekend!

Ben's Meat & Heat Emproium will be open on weekends, Saturdays 10am-5pm and Sundays 11am-4pm. If you live in, or near Leamington, pop down this weekend for the opening and check out the shop!


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